Total Church Camp products - Learn how to start and operate a successful church camp

Identity Curriculum

This curriculum aims to help us find our identity in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone.




It happens every time you look in a mirror. You see an image of yourself, and in an instant you decide what that image looks like. Do you like the way you look? How will others perceive you? Do you wish you looked any different? It’s a different story when we look into God’s word. We see not only our image, but our identity reflected off of the pages we read. We see that we are sinners who desperately need the grace of God through Jesus Christ, and in Jesus and the apostles’ teachings we see an image of who we can be, who we are becoming. Identity is what Christianity is all about. It is a gift Jesus offers to everyone who would receive it. This curriculum aims to help us find our identity in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone. It will explore how we try to find our identity in so many other things, but will help us come to the conclusion that only in Jesus will be find our true purpose and identity. Are you ready to discover who you truly are in Christ? We hope you are!


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