2017 was an amazing year for our campers.  As many of you know, we received our stamp of approval from the IRS for our 501(c)3 on March 16, 2016 as Orr Family Ministries. We did this for several reasons, the most important was to help keep the cost of camps and retreats as low as possible by saving money through the non-profit status.

We have been working diligently and pounding the pavement for more assistance from different sources; sources that have plenty of resources if you get my drift. For example, we applied for North Texas Giving Day and received our spot. In one day, NTXGD received $39,379,446 in donations of which, we received $75.

All we are asking for our birthday this year is one small favor, will take very little effort and absolutely no money. We are asking if you would please click on the link for Amazon Smiles and post Orr Family Ministries as your charity of choice. By the way, Amazon has given away $69,949,133 in donations, of which, we have received $14.35.

So, instead of birthday cake this year, why don’t you give us a little slice of the pie. Sign up with Amazon Smiles and pick us as your charity of choice.

3x your impact! From March 12-31, Amazon is tripling the donation rate on your first smile.amazon.com purchase! Go to smile.amazon.com/ch/81-1710056 and Amazon donates to Orr Family Ministries.